Top Ten Star Wars Hooping Videos
The final countdown to Star Wars: The Force Awakens has begun! There are only five more days until the next installment arrives. How are all of us Star Wars loving hoopers going to make it until then? While the struggle could not be more real, never fear dear hooper. has got just want you need to warp speed you the rest of the way. We combed the universe in search of the very best Star Wars hooping videos to temper your Star Wars loving Fever. So without any further ado, we proudly present you with our Top 10 Star Wars Hooping Videos of all time. Truly the Force is strong with these hoopers.
10. Gemetrick, otherwise known as Gemma Ruzzier, hasn’t wasted a moment of time honing her Jedi Hooping skills. Gem took a roadside pause while winding her way up the east coast of Australia to capture her talents on film. From her fancy single hoop action to her dazzling multi-hooping display, her hula hoop style has strong circus roots. Gemma is from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and the soundtrack to her video is “Star Wars – Cantina Band (Noize Tank Remix)” which you can download too over on Soundcloud.
9. Katie Hoopla, also known as Katie Churby spins up some Storm Trooper flow. We are not sure what planet this was filmed on, but based on the size of the trees we know that this is not the forest moon of Endor. Based on the strange music she is spinning to, it could be anywhere. Unfortunately even with all of our earthling technology, we weren’t able to identify the track. So it must be from a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Where is the other storm trooper? Don’t they travel in pairs? She lives in Tampa, Florida, USA.
8. Yoda, that wise little being, paid a visit to Earth awhile back where Kimberly Eversgerd was just chillin’ in the backyard of some dude’s house. Kimberly captured Yoda on a camcorder as he shared the wisest of tips for the hooping of the hula. May the force be with you. She lives in Blue Springs, Missouri, USA. The soundtrack is “Imperial Starfleet Deployed/City in the Clouds” by John Williams (on iTunes).
7. Speaking of Endor, here we have a native of that planet – an extra cute ewok! This particular ewok goes by the name Bunny Shoopernerd, otherwise known as Pamela Whipple. Surely this was filmed on Endor since we can hear all of the other adorable ewoks in the background. Bunny hails from Guiford, Vermont, USA. The music is the “Ewoks Victory Celebration Medley” by John Williams, but unfortunately Endorians have yet to master musical recording capabilities.
6. Wait! We found that missing Storm Trooper from earlier. Chance Atterton’s first hooping video proves the Force is strong with this youngling. Here we witness him honing his skills, hooping while skate boarding, and trying to break the shackles of his clone-life to learn the true nature of the Force. Chance lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, USA. The soundtrack is “The Dope Steppa” by MK2.
5. No list would be complete with out Darth Vader himself. He certainly was busy with Star Wars Day celebrations that year, especially after marrying a happy couple in Iowa. Afterwards he took his hoop out into the backyard for a hoop dance marching session. He might be the first hoop marcher we’ve ever really seen, but kudos to him for having a style that is so uniquely him. You may recall that Darth learned to hoop back in 2010. This was his first hooping video thanks to Kole Burke. She lives in Lake Worth, Florida, USA. The soundtrack is “The Imperial March” by The Global Stage Orchestra. It’s on iTunes.
4. It seems one of our favorite Star Wars characters likes to dress up herself. We thought we might be done with Halloween, but when Princess Leia is decked out as a zombie hooper, well, how can you resist? Plus she’s even spinning it up to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. It’s great to see her taking the whole royalty thing less seriously, and having such a good time too. Star Wars hooping goes Thriller! Kristin lives in New York City, New York, USA. “Thriller” is available on iTunes.
3. Now let’s indulge ourselves in this Sith hooping video from Alicia Dart. Alicia wanted to celebrate Star Wars Day this past May 4th by combining two of her loves, Star Wars & hooping. We couldn’t be happier that she did too. Check out her awesome face painting and Sith spinning skills on an as yet unidentified planet. Alicia lives in Wenatchee, Washington, USA, and she is hooping to the End Credits from Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace by John Williams. It’s available on iTunes.
2. Lilly Hoopz, from Hooping Idol’s fifth season, spun this Star Wars inspired submission for Idol’s Science Fiction Week. Entering as the Sith Lord Darth Maul, trained as Darth Sidious’s first apprentice, she instantly jumps into an epic battle with a common jedi. The power of the dark side is great, and it doesn’t take her long to slay her foe. Star Wars hooping indeed! Lilly lives in Los Angeles, California, USA. The soundtrack is “The Imperial March” by John Williams and it’s on iTunes.
1. Tiffany Hancock from Hooping Idol 5 is first on our list with her celebration and creative tribute to Star Wars Day – “May the Fourth be with you!” She uses the Force to choke hold and call forth her hoop as Darth Vader. Don’t think she’s completely given herself over to the darkside though. She has a large array of Star Wars themed cosplay to feast your eyes on. Tiffany is currently living in Misawa-shi, Aomori, Japan, and the soundtrack is “Stars Wars” by Ookay. It’s available on SoundCloud.
Well hoopers, there you have it. Our Top Ten Star Wars Hooping Videos. They’re sure to hold you over till the long awaited release of Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens! Happy hooping everybody and may the Force be with you.
————————————– Contributor Baby Jane Deason is the mother of two amazing boys, a business manager, and a hooping warrior who survived breast cancer. Named after James Taylor’s song “Sweet Baby James”, she started a website to promote positive thinking and to maintain positive outcomes in your life. She lives in Cleveland, Tennessee, USA.
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